
Guest Blogging Today - Characters & Promotions

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I've got a new free story posted in the Free Reads & Excerpts section of my LesliRichardson.com website, titled, "Of Shuffleboard and B-Negative." It's a twist on the traditional vampire tale.

Also, today I'm guest-blogging at Lyrical Press: http://lyricalpress.blogspot.com The topic: Characters. Come. First. If you're a writer, you won't want to miss it. If you're a reader looking for insight into the writer's process, you'll hopefully find it interesting.

And I'm blogging at Amused Authors: http://amusedauthors.wordpress.com The topic: It's the promotions, kiddo. New writers often think that writing is the hardest part. Wroong. That would be promotions.

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