
Writing How-To Series

Sunday, July 19, 2009
Because I've gotten lazy and reeeallly need to blog more, and because I like to answer questions, I'm starting a new "how-to" writing series on this blog. Starting tomorrow, I'll post the first topic. You can click on the post label "writing how-to series" and it'll bring up all the posts as they're...um...posted. (You can also follow the blog, and/or subscribe to the RSS feed, both those features are located in the sidebar.)

Feel free to email me at me AT leslirichardson.com (remove the spaces and stick a @ in there) or you can use the contact form on my website if you have any writing-related questions/topics you'd like to see addressed. I'll tackle everything from grammar to submissions-related questions, and if you're a reader and want to ask me questions about the writing process, feel free to jump in! Comments and questions always welcomed.

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