
...and more research.

Monday, July 29, 2013
Just some of the books I've picked up over the past couple of weeks for my research for my post-apocalyptic series. Yes, I've found the Prime membership for Amazon has already paid for itself. LOL But to be fair, a lot of these books actually came from Haslam's Books down in St. Pete. (LOVE that bookstore.)

So when the zombie apocalypse happens, I've got the reference library. LOL What you don't see pictured are the first three in the Foxfire series (will be ordering more as the budget allows) and a book on blacksmithing. Because, yeah, people will still have need for metalworkers after the shit hits the fan. And some books on herbal medicine, edible plants, etc.

No, neither of the series I'm doing this research for include zombies, unfortunately. LOL One is set "today" in modern times, one is set 100 years after a comet smashed into the earth.

It's been really difficult to find good info on the web that doesn't require wading through a shit-ton (is SO a term of measurement) of political/anti-political/religious rhetoric in the process. (Dear NSA: I am not a whackadooddle anti-government prepper. Sincerely, Tymber.)

Meanwhile, I've got two books on pre-order, Two Geeks and Their Girl, which releases this Friday, and the revised and expanded version of kitten's tale, which releases next Wednesday. And both have already started climbing the menage bestseller charts over at Siren. (Thank you, readers! I love you!)

Here's a hint: In Two Geeks and Their Girl, you get to play "Spot the Cameo Appearances." One of the heroes is the adopted nephew of a certain novelist who is a hero in one of my other series. Also, while this is not a BDSM book, a certain Dom makes a vanilla appearance. :)

2 reader comments:

  1. I love the Foxfire books. I think I have all of them. I've read them since I was 12.

  1. @Weaseldancr - My grandparents had the first one. I remember when I was a kid reading and re-reading it too many times to count. Love that series.