
Guest Blog: The voices in my head say...

Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Why does it take so damn long sometimes for a writer to put out a new book in a series? (Or a new book, period?)

I address that topic today at the "When One is Not Enough" menage authors blog:


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4 reader comments:

  1. LynnieP said...:

    Hi Ms Dalton, I have just finished reading Triple Dog Dare and I have to tell you that I have never read a better book and series. I re read the first 6 books so I could fully follow this book and I could not put any of them down until I was finished reading it, it only took me a few days to read them all. I will try not to get too impatient waiting for the next book in the series.

    I wish you and yours well.

    Take care


  1. @LynnieP - Thank you! :) I'm glad you enjoyed it. And no, it won't take me as long to get the next books out in the series, I promise! :)

  1. Anonymous said...:

    Hi, no I'm not THAT Anonymous, just not very techie so haven't managed to put name up properly - yeah really that dumb - focus Lise back to point -

    Thank you so much for that piece you wrote with reference to Anonymous. I was livid when I read it and if I wrote at the time what I thought you probably would have banned me from your site never mind your fan base. I'm new to your writing and although I have had this little wait :p I still managed to be kept entertained by your other stories, hence my love for TNT and Emi's hunky husbands on the TB:)))))

    I would love desperately to write a book but unfortunately I'm just not the sort who can, so I enjoy and admire others that can and do. Yip some are c*@p but hey like Mom says 'you kiss a few frogs'.

    Tymber you might piss a few people off but believe me family, friends and health are definitely more important and should come first - on that note Lise saids wondering - Rock NHS - our medical service has me booked in for 1 whole day doing all the necessary test(+_5) after my transplant 10yr review. So only worry for one night and then sit back and wait for good results:D Can't believe the USA has not sorted this out already! or even thought of it first!

    Keep well and look after yourself and loved ones.
    Lise xx

  1. @Lise - LOL Thanks. :) And congratulations on your 10 years! That's fantastic, and I'm glad you're still around. :)