
Two blogs today.

Monday, December 10, 2012
Happy(?) Monday. I've got two blog posts today to pimp out.

The first is over at the "When One is Not Enough" menage blog and gives you a glimpse inside my...colorful brain. Yeah, colorful. That's the word I'll go with!

Hearing in Technicolor

The second blog post is over at the BDSM Authors' Playroom, where I've started a series of topics on commonly used/misused BDSM tropes, to examine the fact versus the fallacy.

BDSM Facts & Fallacies: Free-ranging subbies.

Also, I still haven't picked a winner on my last contest, but will sometime today. So make sure if you haven't commented yet, get your patookie over there and do so, please?

Another random contest: Oddest holiday dinner?

And "Out of Bight, Out of Mind" has reached (as of this morning) #5 on Siren's menage bestseller list! Woot, and thank you!! :)

"Out of Bight, Out of Mind"

2 reader comments:

  1. I bought this book the first day it was out. I was very glad when you went back to this series. I loved the characters. This series is what led nds to you as an author. I now have almost all your books. Please keep the great books coming.

  1. @Weaseldancr - Thank you! :) I will be doing more in the DSMC world. The next couple of stories will focus more on the crews of the other two ships, though, before I get back to focusing on Emi and her guys.