
Random Contest Time: Easy-peasey.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013
EDIT: The contest is now CLOSED. Thanks to everyone who entered! I'll post the number and the winners as soon as I get a chance. :) I also realized Monday is a holiday here in the US, and there isn't any mail, so the winners will get an extra day to reply. LOL 


Stay tuned for the next giveaway!


Took Hubby to the airport this morning. :( I've got nearly two weeks on my own while he's in Ohio visiting family. Had to get up waaaaaay too frakking early, but consoled myself with Starbucks and breakfast from McDonald's. LOL

I'm sure Gidget and I can get into plenty of trouble...

Yep, the screaming cats picture. You know what that means... CONTEST TIME!

Okay, as I mentioned on Facebook the other day, in the process of cleaning stuff up I put together ten envelopes of swag: bookmarks, autographed bookplate stickers and cover pics, etc.

Here's how you can possibly win one of these...

I've used random.org to pick a random number between 1-100. The ten people guessing the number or who are closest to the number will get it. In the event there's a tie between two people on opposite ends of the number, I'll either pick the one with the lower guess or pack another envelope. (Depends on how much pain I'm in after doing all the chores Hubby usually does in addition to writing. LOL Thank the Goddess for Flylady!)

ONE guess per person. Leave a comment in the...comments. If Blogger wants to make you "anonymous" make sure you put your name or handle in the comment so I have a way of identifying you. I will pick the winners on this Friday (8/30) at some point (when I remember to do it, to be honest LOL). I'll post it on my blog, and if you don't claim your prize by Sunday, I'll pick someone else, because I'll probably go to the post office on Monday and want to get them out the door.

Open to anyone in the world as long as you're of legal age in your place of residence, giveaways like this aren't prohibited where you live, no cash value, yadda-yadda-yadda legalese blah blah OH NOES TEH LEGALZZZZZ!

Good luck!

77 reader comments:

  1. Kimberly said...:

    Woohoooo! I've got dibs on 42. Because, it's The Answer! Thanks for the contest.

  1. rosebud said...:

    I hate number games.........

    OK. My number is


  1. Unknown said...:

    Hm. I'm going to go with 57.

  1. Unknown said...:

    Don't work to hard while hubby is away #63

  1. Lisa G said...:

    I'll go with 50 since somebody already beat me to 42!

  1. Unknown said...:

    I'll go with 84 just for the hell of it.

  1. Tamie Buckler said...:

    My number pick is 17!

  1. Anonymous said...:


  1. Unknown said...:

    Let's see.
    How about 14?

  1. Victoria said...:

    84 - it's twice the answer to the universe. :)

  1. Bonnie C said...:

    68 please!

  1. trinity said...:

    Damn you should have come to Ohio we could have done some shopping or something. :)

  1. Ronda said...:

    I'll take # 3 please and Thank you!!

  1. Unknown said...:

    My guess is 77

  1. Anonymous said...:

    My guess is 13 :-)


  1. Unknown said...:

    I live in Ohio so you should have come with him LOL. I'm going to say 57 for my number!

  1. Melanie said...:

    Maulf@aol.com- Melanie Colligan- My guess is 36 and I am getting ready to read Pinch Me!

  1. Unknown said...:

    Everyone seems low. 92

  1. 44....I WAS going to say 69, but I figured that was too obvious!! lol! Thanks for the fun contest!!

  1. Anonymous said...:


  1. Unknown said...:



  1. Unknown said...:

    Im going to with 5. ( thats the day I was born on)

  1. Anonymous said...:

    i'm going to pick 63

    kerbytejas at gmail dot com

  1. Unknown said...:

    I pick number 47. Thank you.

  1. Unknown said...:

    When it comes to numbers, I always pick 4. I can't really stop myself, so my guess is 4. :)

  1. Pam Poland said...:

    I'm guessing 53!


  1. Rusti1970 said...:


  1. I just HAVE to go with 69.

    beth at bethdcarter.com

    Thanks for the contest!

  1. Unknown said...:

    I am never good at these. My number is 52. Good luck everyone.

  1. Kym said...:

    oki doki not too good wiv numbers but would love to win a goody bag tymber so i pick 55 - kym xx

  1. Unknown said...:

    I am going with 48. Why? If my count is correct that is the number of books you have written.

  1. Anonymous said...:

    Lets go with 54

    Denise Kelly

  1. MellyM said...:

    85 - for sentimental reasons.

    My condolences on Scudder. I enjoyed however much of him was Doogie. Thoroughly enjoyed Pinch Me!

  1. jennifer said...:

    My pick is 7 for hubby's birthday

  1. Anonymous said...:


  1. Anonymous said...:


    I will go with 48.

  1. Anonymous said...:

    I'm going with 30


  1. Anonymous said...:

    I tried entering earlier but my phone goes nuts when try to log into Google for some reason. I am going with my anniversary of the 28th.
    j-coverholser at sbcglobal dot net

  1. Unknown said...:

    I have to go with 47


  1. Nicole said...:


    It's my favorite number. :)

    njp42474@gmail.com (in case I show up as annonomous)

  1. Anonymous said...:


    Are those your cats? Funny pic! Thanks for the giveaway chance, I love me some swag...! :D

  1. redjuliet said...:


    Thanks for the contest!

  1. Anonymous said...:

    8, just because =)


  1. LaShonda C said...:



  1. #7 just because its my favorite number LOL Caron

  1. I am going to go with 80. Enjoy your free time! You have plenty of furry friends to keep you company ;)

  1. My guess is 38


  1. Kathy Semke said...:

    25 It's the date of my wedding anniversary

  1. Anonymous said...:

    16 is my lucky number!

    Jess Soderbeck