
Tweet, Twit, Twa...never mind...

Friday, April 3, 2009
I admit it. I'm a Twitter idiot. I mean, I'm pretty good at deciphering php and css code, can build and tweak templates for my website, finally figured out how to use Facebook (then the *&^%$s switched it around and I'm RElearning it), etc, etc, etc.

Twitter, not so much. I've got an account, but at first I couldn't figure out how to get my phone approved. (Turned out it wasn't good enough to use the area code, I also had to punch in a country code, go figure?) I even think I have two followers. Couldn't figure out how to follow them, however.

I have a BlackBerry, for chrissake. When I swapped out phones and had problems, I figured it out so I didn't lose all my data. I am NOT a technotard, I swear I'm not. But something about Twitter defies me. Maybe it's too simple for me? *LOL*

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